Product Design


My Role
Product Designer
4 months

Disclaimer : the company was oriented in B2C at the time (it’s not the case today), one of the CEO left and work for Web 3 today.

Dreem is a scale up founded by Hugo Mercier in 2014  and Quentin Soulet de Brugière   that raises 35 millions of dollars to improve the sleep of people. The particularity of the company is that they worked for 2 distinct products : a headband (that user wears when he sleeps, and an app to monitor the sleep of the user.

I worked for 4 months at Dreem in 2019, as a Product Marketer. My goal was to detect insights from user interviews, while analyzing users expectations after having used the headband in order to collect feedback from users (qualitative analysis), look for the datas (subscription, retention, monitoring the key performance indicators) and build focus groups.

I have worked in the Product team and closely with the data team in order to analyze collected data from the tool Chartio.

I have worked with the tool Typeform  to build powerful forms and used the tool Product Board  which was useful to centralize feedback, prioritize with data and stay connected to what’s working and not working by listening to what our customers are saying. 

I have prepared the script of the interview, the biggest challenge was to not skew it (cognitive biases) and have asked open questions (if you want to learn more about that, I wrote an article on this subject) .

These user interviews combined with datas from Typeforms and from the app helped us to calculate the Net Promoter Score (NPS).
I made some presentations for the Product team and the CEO with all my data analyzes. It allowed the Product Managers to focus on the most important user needs and insert them into the product roadmap. We work in Agile and there was a sprint every 2 weeks to test new features (test and learn, iterate with user testing and collect feedback from customers).

Another mission was to consolidate the existing community which is called : the Adventurers, so I wrote some emails in order to keep them updated from new features as well as new user tests that we run…

At Dreem, I met  data analysts, developers, product managers, and researchers. I learned about Polysomnography, which is a sleep study : a comprehensive test used to diagnose sleep disorders. Polysomnography records your brain waves, the oxygen level in your blood, heart rate and breathing, as well as eye and leg movements during the study.

The sleep industry thrilled me, I wanted to explore it, so I read “Why we sleep” by Matthew Walker, At the conquest of sleep by Hugo Mercier (CEO of Dreem), and Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman about cognitive biases